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One of the fun parts of the President’s message is looking for inspiration, which I often do by looking back at previous Windknots and see what was of interest back then. One thing I usually see is great articles written about the amazing outings members have participated in. Lots of Yakima River, Chopaka, Seep Lakes, and Okanogan adventures as well as the exotic up north, or way down south and local gems. As you all get out there and chase your fish, brew, or cigar of choice, be sure to take pictures and notes, and get something in to Dick for inclusion in Windknots. Maybe you will be President one day and gain inspiration there. 

And we have come a long way since 1974. Thanks Dick Lange for how great Windknots is today, and thank the pioneers who got this all going way back when:

What a segue to see names on old Windknots and think of remembering and gathering for our Anniversary Celebration Saturday, October 26 th . The Committee is continuing its good work. Thanks to the many that have indicated they plan to attend. Great start! We are continuing to search for older members and especially officers to invite as well as some leaders of local fly clubs and emporiums. Keep an eye out for additional information and go to the web site for the now active link for payment with credit card, or by check. Please take the time to respond as this helps us plan the arrangements and keeping the price reasonable.

It was just four short years ago that the Holiday Party was canceled due to some minor annoyance called covid. And they say it is back with many reports of kirmishes by club members, and Olympic athletes (oh, good comparison there) but that it is now much like a common cold. So go cycles, like salmon returning to streams, some years in more abundance than others, and management rying their best to keep things in line. Just as the ocean Coho show up, too many rezzies have been harvested and the Sound is closing down, or at least estricted. But those ocean beauties will show up in our rivers, and hopefully you all can find a few without zipper lips, or what is wrong with a little C&R in the salt chuck. Heard there are even a few bigger predators out there. Rumor has it Sir Rodney as it dialed in. Go ask….

Tim is firing up the youth education program again this fall, so for a child or grandchild in need of a better hobby than time consuming soccer or dangerous football, go for it!

A number of club members joined in a celebration of the 90th anniversary of a certain club members joining the living. How fitting that we met at the Moose Lodge in North Bend to join family and friends, fishing and otherwise, to wish Jack Crowley on for another decade. Roasting continued with stories centered on Montana, Corbett Lake, duct taped waders, and the innate ability of a certain unnamed older gentleman to attract ladies, whether they wanted to be attracted or not. Plus a Harley, knot tying expertise on securing old red to the top of a 4 Runner (said truck which doubles as a hotel room, rustic cabin or yurt), and napping. When the furry settled a bit, we were soothed by a stirring rendition of an epic poem about a Voyager.

However once on the road home, the gold balloon “9” half of the auspicious birthday pair, made a daring escape from the aforementioned 4 Runner and was last seen attempting to summit Mt Si. And there was also a report from NORAD in Montana, we guess as the balloon was seeking its home. Yea, you should ‘a been there.

Our General Club meeting September 24th will feature speaker Judy Ronning-Larson and her latest movie project as Teacher, Writer, Filmmaker, National Board Certified Teacher and Fly Fisher. Will be awesome!

Get out on the water! If you don’t go, you never have the story of the big one that you almost caught…. Don’t be that person with nothing to say at Fish Tales.
