Chain Lake report

George Hu

I fished Chain Lake today from 11 – 3 and ran into Paul St Pierre. Another fisherman said it had fished well on the weekend but today it was slow. It was slow but actually pretty steady and I think we both had a half dozen. None of mine were under 13″ and one nice 16″. A WDFW truck showed up and stocked the lake but when I went to inspect they looked pretty small so I stuck with what was working for me – trolling olive & black hale bopp slowly. One fish I pumped showed daphnia which explained the slow day. But overall fishing was decent and it was nice to catch bigger fish. As I was leaving 3 teens were putting in and I saw a container of worms so I asked them and one said “we’re fishing worms” and then when I told them no bait was allowed they quickly said “we’re using spinners” 😉


One thought on “Chain Lake report”

  1. Teams have taken a class is agile methodology 🙂

    6 fish is a decent day that I would be happen to have in that period of time.

    Thanks for the report

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