Chain Lake

Chain continues to fish well with chironomids. Fished March 9 and 16. On 9th some fish deep, then mid depth, then deep again as the hatch changed. When they were rising, the 5 to 8′ level worked. On the 16th, fish were deep, in 18′ of water with ‘mids 1-3 feet off bottom. Mids were larger, so #12 worked, “bombers”. A few on blood worms on the bottom as well. Have fun!



6 thoughts on “Chain Lake”

  1. I am going to try to harass some fish at Chain today, thanks for the intel. I promise not to stubbornly fish a dry, I know I have to get wet!

    thanks again

  2. Caught 6 fish today

    2 for 4 indicator fishing (blood worm)
    1 stripping a small black bunny leech
    3 drifting a dry fly (midge emerger)

    Fished 2 to 7 PM so fishing was relatively slow.

    Had the lake all to myself til around 6 30

    Indicator fished in 15 to 20 ft of water. I will charge my electronics next time so I can pinpoint the drop-offs.

  3. Fished 3/26/2021 from 4:00-6:45PM
    Water temp was around 50 degrees. Most of the fish were schooled up on the south side of the lake in 20 feet. Some surface activity and raisers.
    Fished emerger on intermediate line and got only couple of takes. Moved to Type 6 line with a black leech and got 3. Fish are healthy and putting up a good fight.

  4. Fished Chain on the 23rd and doggedly tried to get some love on ‘mids. Only one. Balanced leech did better, but very light takes. At least one was 18″.

  5. Fished on 4/2/2021 from 5:00 -8:00PM
    Type 6 with a black leech patter as dropper and boobie at the point. Very slow trolling in the mid section of the lake produced results. 10 to the net and missed 3.

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