Rattlesnake Outing Recap

The weather started out beautiful and warm on June 25th for the Rattlesnake Lake outing.  I almost left my jacket at home.  By the time I reached downtown Kirkland there was a literal hurricane blowing through, ripping whole branches off trees.  After checking weather radar I could see that it had already blown through North Bend so I continued out to the event.  When I got there I heard stories of the group effort to hold the tent to the table, but the weather was just a little damp.  Nate & Midori, as always, had laid out quite a spread of food and about 20 members must have heard how good it was last year because they came despite the weather.  A handful also tried fishing in small boats.  Fish could be seen feeding on the surface, but it was a challenge getting them to go for the fly.

Rattlesnake Cold Dog
Rattlesnake Cold Dog
Rattlesnake Hot dog
Rattlesnake Hot dog
rattlesnake kick boat
rattlesnake kick boat
Rattlesnake Lake
Rattlesnake Lake
Rattlesnake Pie
Rattlesnake Pie
Rattlesnake rod
Rattlesnake rod
Food Tent
Food Tent


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