Winter Spots to Fly Fish?

Francisco Garcia

I Know fish like to go deep in lakes and are slower in the winter months, but where can a new guy enjoy fly fishing in the winter months. I don’t mind a drive for fun.

Frank G.


One thought on “Winter Spots to Fly Fish?”

  1. Frank, there are fish in all the local lakes still open that have been planted. Chain, Green, Cranberry, Pass, Blackmans are good choices. Then it gets technical. One club member who is an excellent lake troller had two takes, one to the boat recently. A friend of mine fishing locally using a green #18 chironomid under an indicator landed 17. Key: as water gets colder fish will eat, but won’t chase. It gets technical; gotta get something that looks what they want to eat, right in front of them. A caught fish throat pumped will tell you what the are feeding on. And the most likely small and very near the bottom in 15 to 25′ of water.
    Finally, check WDFW web site for recent plants. These fish will a lot more aggressive for a few days and will be 5 to 12′ down. Usual suspects, Olive Willy, olive Hale Bopp, Wolleyball Buggers etc.
    Good luck!

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