Ron Olsen
Had a fun day at Leech with Joe Coakley and Kyler Ries on Friday July 9th. Leech was its usual self. The chosen few regulars were doing well, and it was very site specific. Along the north shore tight to the logs, the far end chironomid hole, and south east shore. The ‘bows were schooled up, or hiding under logs. Very little surface activity but damsels everywhere. No nymphs however. I got a few under the indicator on a #16 brown mid, and red micro leech. But most came on the Rickards callibaetis #14 gray. Classic 15″ strip and pause. Cast next to logs, to the edge of the reeds, and over the darker, deeper part of the lake when the breeze created a covering ripple. Time of day didn’t matter. Clear, calm, warm. That kept the ‘betis in check. A dozen fish, five bows, all right around 19″, brookies 6 to 13″.
Tight lines, Ron