B. C. Fishing

Ray Spencer

I reserved Caverhill Lodge in Barriere B.C. for July. This resort is usually booked full months in advance but they still have a few openings. BTW … the current Canada exchange rate on the US dollar is about $1.40. That’s the best I’ve seen it in the fifty years I’ve traveled o Canada.


Late March – Early April Trip to WA, OR, UT, ID

Greg Roberts

I’m headed south for a 17 day road trip from Seattle-Moab and back in late March and early April. I will be fishing from the shore unless someone has a good river guide recommendation.

My thought is to drive to E.. OR initially and fish the Hood and Deschutes. Then head to UT to fish the Green River. Then I plan to return via S. ID or E. OR before returning to Seattle.

Please let me know if you have any recommendations for fishing the lake shores and rivers in these areas at this time of year.


Winthrop Fishing Is HOT

Joe Coakley

I just returned from a 4 day fishing trip to Winthrop. I was camped at Big Twin Resort which just opened up a week ago. It was almost empty! The wind and rain made conditions challenging but the BIG SURPRISE was the quality of the fishing. We all caught multiple fish at 18″ and a few at 20″. Nothing smaller than 13″. The one common trait was the girth on these fish and the quality of the fight! Fishing my Steve Fosie/Kyler Ries 4 wt. bamboo rod was a blast. We had another boat in our group that fished the same area of Big Twin for 3 days and never moved more than 100 feet, landing well into double digits for fish landed on chronomids. I spent most of my time trolling and had great success with an Olive Hale Bopp or an olive Six pack fly (both available at Avid Angler in Lake Forest Park or Pacific Fly Fishing in Mill Creek). What I learned at Big Twin is they did an extra plant last year and that winter kill was minimal, allowing these fish to grow! Grow they did! Other intel: I did not get to fish Buzzard Lake but heard the fish were even bigger than Big Twin. Fish at Davis Lake were smaller and wind was also a challenge. I did not fish any other lakes other than Big Twin as it was the best fishing I have ever experienced there in probably a dozen trips over the past 15 years.
One other suggestion: if the wind is nasty chronomid fishing offers a nice respite. Size 18 Green chronomid or black with red wire and wings also worked in size 16 and smaller.

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Ron Olsen

The ‘snake is worth fishing if you need a place to go. Recently stocked so there are 3,500 hungry 2.3 to the pounder’s out there. Water level is up to about 90%, easy launch after the over the rocks carry of mid winter.
Try an olive Hale Bopp on a long leader with intermediate to type six sinker, or vertical fish in 45 FOW anchored up and slow, inch by inch strip up from the bottom using blood worm, chironomid, red micro leech, or blob. Most fish seem to hit from 30 to 35’.
Recently got two @ 15″ plus a nice (?) 17″ sucker.


Chain fishing warming up

Ron Olsen

Hi all. Been to Chain three times this year and it has not disappointed. Enough to the boat each day up to 18″ on blood worms and chironomids. Water temp right at 40, and fish have tended to be near the bottom, at least that is where the eaters have been. Try blood worms, chromy and silver over black sno-cones and sometimes up it a bit with more realistic flies with orange wing cases, all in#14 to #18. Usual spots, anchor up, but move around with electronics if available and look for fish and bug activity first, best fishing seems to be from noon to 3 and varies a bit by day. See you on the water; GO GET UM!



Rattlesnake report 7-23-21

Ron Olsen

Beautiful day at the ‘snake today. I was second one on the lake this morning at 8:45 and motored my way out to 50′ of water watching the fish finder. There is no shortage of fish…. maybe too many as they are not growing much. Best fly continues to be the micro red leech, Brian Chan style tie fished vertically. Fish were hooked between 45 and 15 feet, majority at 25 to 30’. One at 14″ the rest 10″ to 13″. One sucker, of course the largest fish of the day!!! No other fly anglers, only the one troller . Osprey had a good day, and by the time it got warm and I left, parking lot was full and the inflatable crowd was large. Great well used park.
Tight lines, Ron


Leech Lake

Ron Olsen

Had a fun day at Leech with Joe Coakley and Kyler Ries on Friday July 9th. Leech was its usual self. The chosen few regulars were doing well, and it was very site specific. Along the north shore tight to the logs, the far end chironomid hole, and south east shore. The ‘bows were schooled up, or hiding under logs. Very little surface activity but damsels everywhere. No nymphs however. I got a few under the indicator on a #16 brown mid, and red micro leech. But most came on the Rickards callibaetis #14 gray. Classic 15″ strip and pause. Cast next to logs, to the edge of the reeds, and over the darker, deeper part of the lake when the breeze created a covering ripple. Time of day didn’t matter. Clear, calm, warm. That kept the ‘betis in check. A dozen fish, five bows, all right around 19″, brookies 6 to 13″.
Tight lines, Ron
