Reminder to register for classes

Judy Harris

Hi All, Just a reminder to take a look at all of the education offerings that we have scheduled for our members this year. We have already started with some of them including a great turn out for the Euronymphing course. We have a two handed spey clinic coming up that is scheduled for April 30. We have a fantastic instructor who is coming up just to teach this class. However, I will need to know by Friday if you are planning on registering. We have a minimum number of members for this one which is a $100 cost per registrant. If we don’t reach our minimum number by end of business day this Friday, April 8, this class will have to be rescheduled for Fall. Please visit the website, take a look at all the offerings and see if there are any you’d like to take part in. Tight lines!

April membership meeting program

Paul St. Pierre

David Paul Williams returns to present “Stuff Fish Eat” to the
OFFC. Last year he talked about Western Small Mouth Bass and
Puget Sound salt water fishing.

David Paul Williams has been waving a stick with his feet in cold water for
over fifty years. He’s fished the storied Yellowstone waters, California
beaches, step-across-creeks in the Oregon desert, Wyoming alpine lakes, and
plenty of places in between. He loves to share his hard-earned knowledge at
conferences and clubs.

Author of Fly Fishing for Western Smallmouth (Stackpole Books), and “In
The Field” editor for Washington-Oregon Game & Fish, his articles include
where-to and how-to target bass, trout, salmon, carp, and steelhead for
numerous magazines including Fly Fisherman, American Angler, Northwest
Fly Fishing, Fly Fusion, Flyfishing & Tying Journal, Bassmaster,
SalmonTrout-Steelheader, Salmon Steelhead Journal, Backpacker, Northwest
Travel, Seattle Magazine. His entertaining media presentations are in
demand throughout the west and he demonstrates fly tying at fly fishing
expos. He can be found online at



Orange -Mustard Glazed Salmon

Next time you grill Salmon try this one of my favorite glazes.
1 TBL spoon orange marmalade
1/4 teaspoon orange zest and 1 TBL spoon orange juice
2 teaspoon whole-grain mustard

Brush top and sides of fillet evenly with glaze. Cook in air fryer skin side down (10 minutes) or in a George Forman style grill (5 minutes) until medium rare.




Dr. Thomas Quinn from UW will discuss Puget Sound fish movements at March meeting


March 27th 2012


Movement patterns of Salmon and Trout in the Puget Sound including resident Coho and Chinook, Steelhead Smolts, Cutthroat and Bull Trout


Thomas Quinn, PhD

Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington

Tom has been a faculty member at the School of Aquatic Fisheries at the University of Washington since 1986 and professor since 2000 .His research programs are devoted to the behavior, ecology, evolution, and conservation of Salmon and Trout and their habitats, including work in Washington State, British Columbia, and Alaska. His presentation will be of benefit to anyone who loves salmon and Trout fishing especially those who enjoy fishing in saltwater

Fishing with Bats

Finally picking up a few fish on a warm summer evening but it was starting to get dark.  Another cast along a nice seam and I felt a take, made a quick little strip to set the hook and my line comes flying past my ear.  I thought I had corn-rowed a little dink and turned downstream to bring him in for release.  As I turn there was a bat flying surprisingly close, about 20 feet away.  As I waded backwards he kept coming closer to me.  It seemed he was going after my 3 weight and I started swatting at him as he kept buzzing me. Why was this bat attacking me?  As I’m fencing with this guy he lands on the water next to me and I watch as he floats by.  Never saw a bat land on the water to get a drink, I’ll have to look that one up on the internet.  He floats harmlessly away and seemed to take off so I proceed to untangle the line I’ve got all over me from the swashbuckling.  I’m feeling down the leader towards my tippet, but it’s wrapped around my back.  I reached behind me and followed the tippet around to the front of my vest and thought the fly must be pinned on my vest somewhere.

As I felt along towards the fly and pulled the tippet away, I peeled the bat I thought had flown away from my vest pocket and saw he was hooked to my #16 parachute Adams!  He starts flying around at the end of the tippet and started to get wrapped around my arm.  I’m freaking out at this point not believing I caught a bat and was swinging him and my arm around wildly.  I mini-roll casted him back into the water so he couldn’t fly around.  I knew I needed to break this thing off, but wanted to keep the tag on the fly as short as possible.  Inching up the line within a foot of him I accidentally popped him out of the water and he came after me again.  I flipped him back into the water and didn’t care at this point how much line was on him, so I broke him off, lifted him off the water a bit and the little guy flew away. As my heart rate is decreasing, I realized what I originally thought was a take was actually the bat taking my fly off the water and he was hooked the whole time.  I must have flicked him into the water the first time, he wasn’t getting a drink at all (less internet research now).  When I thought I was fighting him off I was actually winding him in closer to me and he somehow grabbed on to the front of my vest to save himself from drowning.  Glad no one else was on the river to hear the expletives during the ordeal.

I posted my experience on a local fly fishing web site and immediately got some great comments, recipes for barbequed bat and the like, but also got some serious suggestions to get checked for rabies.  I hadn’t thought about that possibility.  The medical facility for my company was right next door, so I thought I’d go over and see what they thought.  After they stopped laughing, I was admitted and we called the county health department.  The county folks said it wasn’t a laughing matter, that bats do sometimes carry rabies.  “Did the bat bite you?” they asked.  I said I didn’t think so.  They said bat’s teeth are so tiny and sharp you might not know if you had been bitten.  “Did you come in skin contact with the bat?” they asked.  A bat’s saliva, urine and feces can also transmit rabies.  I told them I was so busy sword fighting with him I couldn’t remember.  The county recommended that I get the rabies vaccination since I could not be sure and I didn’t keep the bat for testing.  Eight shots the first day then four more over the next few weeks was not much fun.  I wish I had thought about what I’d do if I ever caught a bat before this happened.

Many of us fish in the early to late evening to take advantage of the hatch and so do the bats.  A bat may sense your fly, but not the 6X tippet attached to it.  Aside from eating lots of garlic, here are some recommendations on what to do if you hook a bat:

DO NOT TOUCH THE BAT or let it get close to you!

You want to break your line off and release the bat, ensuring your safety. Chances are the bat will not willingly fly into the water but if it does, lead it downstream away from you.  If it continues to fly away from you, reel in until the bat is at your rod tip.  Clip you tippet, leader or line if possible to reduce your chances of skin contact.  Thoroughly wash all remaining line, your rod and reel.   If you are bitten or come in skin contact with the bat, and feel confident enough he is well hooked, leave the water and find a way to contain the bat.  The bat can then be checked for rabies and possibly save you a lot of pain. Should you get bitten, come in skin contact or are unsure if you came in contact, call your local county health department or local emergency room.  Rabies is FATAL!

Tim Allen